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PLEAC Accreditation Training Requirements

Accreditation Information:
PoliceOne Academy courses can be used to fulfill PLEAC (Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission) accreditation training requirements.

The following training topics are required by PLEAC.

The table below shows the PoliceOne Academy content that can be used to meet the PLEAC accreditation requirements:

PLEAC 2024 Annual Training
Training Categories PoliceOne Academy Course Name Course Length
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 1 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 10 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 11 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 12 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 13 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 15 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 2 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 3 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 4 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 5 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 6 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 7 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 8 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Defensive Techniques Defensive Tactics 9 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Firearms and Less Lethal Weapons Basic Firearm Safety 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Firearms and Less Lethal Weapons Firearms 1 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Firearms and Less Lethal Weapons Firearms 2 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Firearms and Less Lethal Weapons Firearms 3 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Firearms and Less Lethal Weapons Firearms 4 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Firearms and Less Lethal Weapons Firearms 5 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Firearms and Less Lethal Weapons Firearms 6 1
PLEAC 1.3.10 Firearms and Less Lethal Weapons Firearms Tactics 1
PLEAC 1.3.7 Use of force, De-Escalation, and Duty to Intervene Use of Less Lethal Force 1
PLEAC 1.3.7 Use of force, De-Escalation, and Duty to Intervene Using Oleoresin Capsicum 1
PLEAC 1.3.7 Use of force, De-Escalation, and Duty to Intervene De-Escalation and Minimizing Use of Force 2
PLEAC 1.3.7 Use of force, De-Escalation, and Duty to Intervene De-escalation and Reasonable Use of Force 2
PLEAC 1.3.7 Use of force, De-Escalation, and Duty to Intervene Duty to Intercede 1
PLEAC 1.3.7 Use of force, De-Escalation, and Duty to Intervene Use Of Force 2
PLEAC 1.3.7 Use of force, De-Escalation, and Duty to Intervene Use of Force in Corrections 2
PLEAC 1.3.7 Use of force, De-Escalation, and Duty to Intervene Use of Force Situations 1
PLEAC 4.10.1 Protection from Abuse (PFA) Officer Safety and Procedure in Domestic Violence Response 2
PLEAC 4.10.1 Protection from Abuse (PFA) Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence 2
PLEAC 4.10.1 Protection from Abuse (PFA) Recognizing Domestic Violence 2
PLEAC 4.10.1 Protection from Abuse (PFA) Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) 2
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill CIT for Correctional Facilities 1
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill Emotional & Psychological Disorders 1 1
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill Emotional & Psychological Disorders 2 1
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill Interacting with the Mentally Ill as a First Responder 1
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill MedicAlert: Community Policing Support 1
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill Mental Health in Jails 1
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill Missing Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease 1
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill Responding to People with Mental Illness 2
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill Subject Precipitated Homicide 1
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill Suicide by Cop 1
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill Tourette Syndrome and Other Neurological Disorders 1
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill Understanding and Responding to Excited Delirium Calls 1
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill Understanding Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and PTSD 1
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder 1
PLEAC 2.7.8 Recognizing and Responding to Suspected Mentally Ill Understanding Depression and Bipolar Disorder 1
PLEAC 2024 Quarterly Training
PLEAC 1.10.6 Tactical team, Negotiator, and Animal Teams Canine Tactical Operations: Integrating Teams 5m
PLEAC 1.10.6 Tactical team, Negotiator, and Animal Teams Canine Tactical Operations: The Evolution of Training 5m
PLEAC 1.10.6 Tactical team, Negotiator, and Animal Teams Canine Tactical Operations: Working with the Dog 5m
PLEAC 1.10.6 Tactical team, Negotiator, and Animal Teams Canine Tactical Training 5m
PLEAC 1.10.6 Tactical team, Negotiator, and Animal Teams Hostage Negotiations 2
PLEAC 1.10.6 Tactical team, Negotiator, and Animal Teams K9 High Risk Deployment 10m
PLEAC 1.10.6 Tactical team, Negotiator, and Animal Teams K-9 Operations 1
PLEAC 1.10.6 Tactical team, Negotiator, and Animal Teams K-9 Supreme Court Case 10m
PLEAC 1.10.6 Tactical team, Negotiator, and Animal Teams Police vs Correctional Hostage Negotiations 15m
PLEAC 1.10.6 Tactical team, Negotiator, and Animal Teams Tactical Formations 5m
PLEAC 1.10.6 Tactical team, Negotiator, and Animal Teams Tactical Operations 1 1
PLEAC 1.10.6 Tactical team, Negotiator, and Animal Teams Tactical Operations 2 1
PLEAC 2024 Triennial Training
PLEAC 3.1.1 Cell Area Operations and Temporary Holding Area Corrections 1 1
PLEAC 3.1.1 Cell Area Operations and Temporary Holding Area Corrections 2 1
PLEAC 3.1.1 Cell Area Operations and Temporary Holding Area Corrections 3 1
PLEAC 3.1.1 Cell Area Operations and Temporary Holding Area Corrections 4 1
PLEAC 3.1.1 Cell Area Operations and Temporary Holding Area Electrical and Fire Safety 1
PLEAC 3.1.1 Cell Area Operations and Temporary Holding Area Handling Medical Emergencies 1
PLEAC 3.1.1 Cell Area Operations and Temporary Holding Area Temporary Holding Facilities (National) 1
PLEAC 1.10.6 Specialized Vehicles Crowd Control: Bicycles 10m
PLEAC 1.10.6 Specialized Vehicles Motor Officer Safety 10m
PLEAC 4.2.2 Special Stopping Techniques Traffic Stops & Safety 1 1
PLEAC 4.2.2 Special Stopping Techniques Traffic Stops & Safety 2 1
PLEAC 4.2.2 Special Stopping Techniques Traffic Stops & Safety 3 1
PLEAC 4.2.2 Special Stopping Techniques Traffic Stops & Safety 4 1
PLEAC 4.2.2 Special Stopping Techniques Tactical Patrol Considerations 1
PLEAC 4.2.2 Special Stopping Techniques Pursuit Driving Basics 1
PLEAC 1.8.3 Bias-Based Policing Implicit Bias 1
PLEAC 1.8.3 Bias-Based Policing Anti-Bias Training For Law Enforcement (1 hour) 1
PLEAC 1.8.3 Bias-Based Policing Anti-Bias Training For Law Enforcement (2 hours) 2