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Use of Force

Use of force can be used in self-defense or in defense of another individual or group and requires a firm grasp of the laws surrounding it. Learn more about the legal requirements of use of force, situations that require, and strategies for using less lethal force overall.

Course Name Course Description Length
De-escalation and Reasonable Use of Force Officers who understand de-escalation are much more effective than those who don’t. In this course, learners will learn to identify the elements and techniques of an effective de-escalation system and apply the system as a tool to de-escalate volatile situations. Learners will also be better equipped mentally to make critical decisions under stress and minimize the use force. 2h
Use of Force – NEW! This course is designed to provide law enforcement professionals with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills pertaining to the appropriate and effective use of force based on Federal case law. This course serves as a vital resource for enhancing officer safety and fostering public trust through responsible and ethical use of force practices. De-escalation has shown itself to be an effective tool in reducing the necessity of the use of force. In a post-George Floyd era of policing, the “Duty to Intervene” has also become an important aspect of police use of force. It now appears in many states’ use of force policies as well as Presidential Executive Orders on law enforcement practices. Recognizing and preventing an overuse of force additionally helps build public trust. Police department accreditation practices also aid in the professionalization of the business of law enforcement. Having standards that police train, understand, and, work under can even further reduce the instances of use of force and allow for police to better serve their community by providing the highest level of service. 2h
Use of Force – Minnesota – NEW! This course provides mandatory annual training on the use of force and deadly force for peace officers in Minnesota. It specifically addresses the statutory guidelines and agency policies that govern when force may be employed, the circumstances that justify deadly force, and the potential liabilities associated with the unlawful or unreasonable use of force. The course was designed to satisfy Sections A, B, and C of the Minnesota In-Service Use of Force Learning Objectives for Peace Officers and Part-Time Peace Officers pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 626.8452. Participants will engage with key statutes, including Minn. Stat. § 609.06, 609.066, 629.32, and 629.33, so they are trained to understand and adhere to the legal and policy standards for the appropriate, responsible, and proportional use of force. 1h
Use of Force Situations Using Force in policing situations is never to be taken lightly, but at times, it may be all that stands between an officer and survival. In this one-hour training block course, the learner will watch footage from situations where force was utilized, gain insight into the importance of proper documentation, and the touch on steps that should be taken after an officer is involved in a shooting to ensure the wellness of both the officer and the department. 1h
Use of Less Lethal Force In this training block, learners will explore different ways to control crowds and other chaotic situations using less than lethal force. Learners will also discover how to handle failed attempts at control using these less lethal options. 1h