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Officer Survival

At the end of the day, the goal of every officer is to come home to their families. The nature of law enforcement is inherently dangerous. Mitigate those risks by taking courses aimed to increase your survival, such as Off-Duty Safety & Survival, Female Officers, and The Will to Win.

Course Name Course Description Length
Color Code Tactical Sitting Gary Klugiewicz talks about how to remain tactically ready while in a seated position, in keeping with Cooper’s Color Code system. 5m
Controlling the Situation While it is not possible to control every aspect of a policing situation, law enforcement is taught that trying will lower the chance of injury to the suspect, bystanders, and the officer.  In this one-hour training block, the learner will discover steps that can be taken to minimize risk and view footage from calls where attempting to control the situation prevented further loss of life. 1h
Expect the Unexpected 1 There is no such thing as routine in law enforcement and letting one’s guard down, even for a moment, can have deadly consequences. In the first installment of the Expect the Unexpected training block series, learners will see that sometimes one’s instinct and training are essential when danger presents itself. 1h
Expect the Unexpected 2 There is no such thing as routine in law enforcement and letting one’s guard down, even for a moment, can have deadly consequences.  In the second installment of the Expect the Unexpected training block series, learners will see that danger can present itself in many unexpected forms. 1h
Heroic Cynicism In this video, Val VanBrocklin discusses heroic cynicism and how one officer changed her view of cynicism in law enforcement. 10m
Never Give Up the Fight In this video, Law Enforcement Expert Dave Smith uses an officer involved shooting incident to discuss the importance of never giving up the fight. 15m
Off-Duty Safety & Survival 1 The first segment of Officer Survival covers: Firearms Safety and Children, Gun Safety for Children, Instilling Courage in Children, Maintaining a Healthy Home Environment, Off-Duty Carry, and Always Carry Off Duty 1h
Off-Duty, Safe, and Ready Off-Duty, Safe, and Ready is a comprehensive course that guides law enforcement officers through essential aspects of off-duty safety and preparedness. With topics including the critical mindset shift needed when transitioning off-duty and practical advice on personal and family safety, the course blends knowledge with actionable strategies. Officers will learn to enhance their situational awareness, effectively conceal their identity to reduce targeting risks, make informed decisions about off-duty interventions, and develop a family safety plan to protect against potential threats. 1h
Officer Safety Safety is more than just utilizing safe practices on the job, it is also taking care of one’s mental state.  In this one-hour training block course, the learner will see ways that they can keep safe on the job. 1h
Officer Safety and Procedure in Domestic Violence Response This two-hour course will equip officers with the knowledge that will help them address domestic violence calls. 2h
Officer Survival 1 The first segment of Officer Survival covers: 360 Situational Awareness,  Analyzing the 21 Foot Rule, Confidence and Competence, Discipline of Being Positive,  Don’t Become a Hostage, Downed Officer Rescue, Officer Rescue with Vehicle 1h
Officer Survival 2 The second segment of Officer Survival covers: What’s Important Now? (Brian Willis), Fight Like a Fighter Pilot (Duane Wolfe), Be the One, Ethical Warrior: Protecting Self and Others, Deadly Force Cover, Spotting a Hidden Weapon, Surviving Hidden Weapons, Pre Draw Indicators 1h
Officer Survival 3 The third segment of Officer Survival covers: Surviving An Ambush, Preparing for a Non-Compliance, Subduing a Dangerous Armed Subject, Winning a Confrontation After You’re Hurt, Reality Training: Why Searching and Frisking a Subject is Crucial, and Reality Training: Enduring an Ambush During an Arrest 1h
Officer Survival 4 The fourth segment of Officer Survival covers:  Cover Management Drills, Reality Training: Controlling a Crime Scene When the Suspect,  Returns Reality Training: Surviving a confrontation after you are shot,  Reality Training: Why Mental Rehearsal Is Crucial to Officer Safety,  Murphy’s Law for Law Enforcement, and Over Hand Arm Drag from Weapon Retention 1h
Officer Survival 5 The fifth segment of Officer Survival covers:  Deadly Hesitation: The Fear of Applying Justifiable Use of Force,  Reality Training: How Cops Can Stay Safe During a Domestic Call, Reality Training: How to Handle a suspicious activity call,  Reality Training: How to Maintain your Situational Awareness and Avoid an Ambush, Reality Training: Responding to an incident in plainclothes, and Reality Training: Using ECD on a suspect with a deadly weapon 1h
Overcoming Resistance: Start with Mental Preparation Human beings have a general desire for a schedule and a routine. However, in law enforcement operations, complacency because of routine can get us killed. Discover how mental preparation is a key ingredient to changing our perspectives regarding our routines, and therefore increases our safety on the street. In this course, we take a deeper look at mental preparation and the important role it plays in our lives as law enforcement professionals. 1h
Preparing Your Response to Challenging Situations In this program on Preparing Your Response to Challenging Situations, we consider just a few of the challenging situations that officers face on a daily basis.  When thinking about the ways in which you approach these circumstances, you must consider   not only the way in which you will approach a scene and deploy your resources   but also your mindset and the thought processes that are in play during your response.We begin by looking at the mechanisms of fear, and how they influence your actions, as well as ways to manage fear through a better understanding of how and why it occurs.  We also take a look at overcoming fear and the effective role that practised visualization plays in mental preparedness. 1h
Responders at Risk: Protecting First Responders From Opioid Exposure The far-reaching consequences of the deadly opioid overdose epidemic are putting emergency responders at risk of injury and illness. This one hour course features a panel of EMS and law enforcement experts that will explain the actual versus perceived risks of opioid exposures to emergency responders, how to recognize a scene contaminated by fentanyl and describe appropriate PPE for emergency responders to protect themselves from acute illness or injury. 1h
Tactical Operations 1 This is the first Training Block for a course on Tactical Operations.This series covers: Reality Training: Pipe Blanket, Dynamic Search Warrant: Rehearsals, Dynamic Search Warrant: The Execution Phase, Dynamic Search Warrants: The Breakout Team, Dynamic Search Warrants: Approach, Dynamic Search Warrants: Quick Tips 1h
Tactical Operations 2 This is the secondTraining Block for the course on Tactical Operations.This series covers: Primal Protective and Tactical Response, Pre-planning Response to Incidents, Cross-Discipline Training, and Using the element of surprise in training drills. 1h
The Sheep, the Wolf and the Sheepdog Lt. Col. Dave Grossman discusses the mindset difference between the sheep, the wolf, and the sheepdog. 5m
The Will to Win 1 This is the first Training Block for the course The Will to Win.This course covers: Will to Win: Deanna Jensen, Will to Win: Kelly Kalmbach, Will to Win: Enrique Hernandez 1h
The Will to Win 2 This is the second Training Block for the course on The Will to Win.This course covers: Will to Win: Jennifer Fulford (Part 1), Will to Win: Jennifer Fulford (Part 2), Will to Will: Ileanna Salinas 1h
The Will to Win 3 This is the thirdTraining Block for the course on The Will to Win.This course covers:Will to Win: Brandy Roell, Will to Win: Chad Shevlin, Will to Win: Henderson PD (Part 1), Will to Win: Henderson PD (Part 2) 1h
The Will to Win 4 This is the fourth Training Block for the course The Will to Win.This course covers: Will to Win: Jim Van Alstine,  Will to Win: Beau Lamens,   Will to Win: Jared Reston, Will to Win: Rich McLane 1h
The Will to Win 5 This is the fifth Training Block for the course The Will to Win.This course covers:Will to Win Lance Shipman 1, Will to Win Lance Shipman Part 2, Will to Win Lance Shipman Part 3, Will To Win: Jill Ehlers and Donna Kading 1h
The Will to Win 6 This is the sixth Training Block for the course The Will to Win.This course covers:Color Code Tactical Sitting, The Cooper Color Code, Will to Win Mike Kralicek Part One, Will to Win Mike Kralicek Part Two, Will to Win Mike Kralicek Part Three 1h
The You Bet Your Badge Game Dave Smith discusses the concept of You Bet Your Badge. This idea is to show how some actions may make you lose your badge. 5m
Using the “Gift” of Visualization Jim Glennon explains how to use the gift of visualization and asks viewers to consider and be prepared for unthinkable situations. 10m
Warrior Mindset In this segment, Betsy Bratner-Smith and Hank Hayes discuss the philosophy of “Warrior Values,” based on winning first and keeping the fight within the code of policy and law. 10m
Will to Win Lance Shipman 1 Imagine being in the middle of a violent physical confrontation then finding yourself looking down the barrel of your own firearm.  That’s what happened to Corporal Lance Shipman. 15m
Will to Win Lance Shipman Part 2 Following a vehicle pursuit in a known drug area, Corporal Lance Shipman found himself in a physical battle. The suspect managed to flee the scene with Corporal Shipman, but the fight was far from over. 15m
Will to Win Lance Shipman Part 3 Second-generation officer Corporal Lance Shipman reflects on his experience with a deadly-force encounter. 10m
Will to Win Mike Kralicek Part One Officer Mike Kralicek talks about the deadly force encounter that changed his life forever. 10m
Will to Win Mike Kralicek Part Two Officer Mike Kralicek talks about the deadly force encounter that changed his life forever. 15m
Will to Win Mike Kralicek Part Three After watching this video, the viewer will understand how your life and those of your family can be changed in a single moment.After a devastating … 15m
Will to Win:  Enrique Hernandez Rookie Officer Hernandez was conducting a routine traffic stop when the suspect fled on foot. The suspect then opened fire hitting him six times.  With minimal patrol experience, he relied on his extensive survival training as a marine to stay alive. 15m
Will to Win:  Jim Van Alstine In this video, Jim Van Alstine talks about his struggle for survival after a traffic stop turned into a fight for his life. Investigations following the incident revealed that this was a hit on Van Alstine in retaliation for his work in narcotics. 15m
Will to Win: Beau Lamens Officer Beau Lamens recalls his brush with death after a high-speed chase in Othello, Washington. 10m
Will to Win: Brandy Roell As a rookie officer just a month on the force, Brandy Roell was faced with a life or death confrontation when she was wounded by AK 47 debris and shot multiple times during a warrant call. In this segment, Roell shares her powerful story about how her will to survive helped her get out alive. 15m
Will to Win: Chad Shevlin After many years and countless surgeries, Marine Sergeant Chad Shevlin recounts a horrifying incident in the Middle East. 10m
Will to Win: Chris Carter (Part 1) When off-duty officer Chris Carter and his family entered a McDonald’s in Barstow, California they had no idea what would happen next. In this segment, Carter shares his compelling recount of a life or death situation. 10m
Will to Win: Chris Carter (Part 2) Off-duty officer Chris Carter reacted swiftly to a robbery in progress while at a McDonalds in Barstow, California.  The assailant shot and killed a small child prior to receiving a fatal bullet wound from Officer Carter. 10m
Will to Win: Deanna Jensen Deanna Jensen tells Betsy Brantner Smith about her horrifying brush with death on a motorcycle. 15m
Will to Win: Enrique Hernandez Officer Hernandez was conducting a routine traffic stop when the suspect fled the scene on foot into a nearby apartment. The suspect then opened fire, hitting Hernandez six times. He was shot in the forearm, chest, hand, side, and calf, with bullets also entering his neck and back. He had been on the force for only three months, but relied on his extensive survival training as a marine to stay alive. 15m
Will to Win: Henderson PD (Part 1) A gripping 911 call from a little boy hiding in the closet alerts the Henderson, Nevada Police Department of a domestic disturbance. 15m
Will to Win: Henderson PD (Part 2) Five officers in Henderson, Nevada respond to a 911 call from a little boy hiding in the closet.  One officer is wounded and two other shots are fired. After a period of silence, Las Vegas Metro sends in a robot to find out what happened to the little boy, assailant, and his victim. 10m
Will to Win: Ileanna Salinas In this Will to Win Survivor segment, Yakima, WA Officer Ileanna Salinas recalls her life and death struggle with an armed homicide suspect during a 2007 foot pursuit. 20m
Will to Win: Jared Reston In this remarkable story of survival, Detective Jared Reston of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Department describes how a foot pursuit turned into a life-or-death struggle when in a sudden turn of events the shoplifting suspect he was chasing pulled a .45-caliber Glock semiautomatic handgun. 10m
Will to Win: Jennifer Fulford (Part 1) Cpl. Jennifer Fulford responds to a 911 call from a child trapped in the car while his mom is held at gunpoint. Fulford now is challenged with getting several kids out of the car and harm’s way while a shootout takes place in the garage. 15m
Will to Win: Jennifer Fulford (Part 2) In the aftermath of this near-fatal incident, Fulford discusses the importance of training, particularly with firearms, and how, in retrospect, she saw where her training and winning mindset kicked  into gear, which ultimately saved her life. 15m
Will to Win: Jill Ehlers and Donna Kading In February 2007, Officers Jill Ehlers and Donna Kading of the West Covina, CA Police Department had to face down an EDP refusing to show his hands.  Hear what led to their officer-involved shooting and the aftermath of the incident. 10m
Will to Win: Josh Kenworthy Josh Kenworthy of Tomah Police Department recalls a day that he will never forget when responding to a seemingly straight forward drive by shooting incident turned into a car chase and shoot out in a residential neighborhood. 10m
Will to Win: Kelly Kalmbach Patrol Officer Kelly Kalmbach recounts the night a DUI traffic stop turned deadly. 15m
Will to Win: Rich McLane Lt. Rich McLane of the Bozeman, MT PD recounts the story of the night he was nearly killed by an EDP while his wife was along for an observation shift, including in-car video of the incident. 10m